week 3

decoding: epigenetic trauma

“Spiritual washes are an inherent part of the Conjure/Hoodoo tradition, prayed over cool water, river washing, submersion, herbal baths.” - Myeshxa

“Spiritual washes are an inherent part of the Conjure/Hoodoo tradition, prayed over cool water, river washing, submersion, herbal baths.” - Myeshxa


We acknowledge that generations and generations of people surviving a crooked room results in their descendants inheriting trauma. Causes for epigenetic and present trauma are discussed. Afrofuturism is offered as an intervention for ancestral trauma, and a means of tapping into ancient wisdoms.


Channeling prompts

Considering the reality of epigenetic trauma, what familial relationships can you start to reframe? 

Are there any ideas you hold about yourself that you can begin to interrogate based on the understanding that many of our views, perspectives, responses and triggers are inherited from previous generations?

If the room is crooked, and each generation has been doing its best to survive, is there any room for grace? For our ancestors? For our elders? For ourselves?

What negative beliefs or survival methods can you begin to shift in honor of yourself and future generations?

What would this grace look/feel/taste/sound like? 


Pick an ancestor (family, friend, loved one) 

At the top of the page write 

“Dear ancestor (their name),

What I want you to know is...”

Then write whatever comes. Sign the letter from yourself. 

Without reading over the letter, get a new sheet of paper.

At the top of a new sheet of paper write

“Dear (your name),

What I want you to know is...”

Then write a response to yourself from the ancestor you just wrote to. 

Sign the letter from that ancestor. 

Exercise can be reformatted. i.e., letters addressed to and from future or past selves from the present version of yourself. Letters to and from living people/animals/elements.



channeling prompts

Given the option, who would you tell your community you are? Purpose(s)? Likes? Dislikes? What tools/talisman do you need to do what you were created to do? How would you describe yourself without using typical labels or occupations as identities?

Write about a relationship with an elder or ancestor that has positively shaped your life/made you possible?

What’s a valuable lesson you learned from someone younger than you?

What do you want your descendants to know about you? (This applies whether you have/desire children or not).



Week 4

I am ‘Cause You are: Intergenerational Living & Learning

We explore the infinite importance of intergenerational communication, living and healing. Nuanced and intentional relationships between children, elders, adults and Spirit throughout the African Diaspora are offered as possibility models. Epigenetic purpose, wisdom, magic, insight and love are also highlighted.

“2-1-3” or “Healing Mama Wounds”



“Healing Mama Wounds”


Weeks 1 & 2


Weeks 5 & 6